At Ferrer we are committed to a leadership model based on trust and responsibility, where leaders are the main drivers of our current cultural transformation.
In 2022, we are continuing to develop our group of leaders in the five dimensions of our leadership model:
We are committed to the continuous development of our leaders through different programmes:
Be Bold
Voluntary programme to reinforce and acquire new skills necessary to grow in the leadership role.
It combines theoretical training and practicing different abilities or skills to accompany people in their development.
Each year, we select key topics to complement the leadership programme. In 2022, we focused on:
– Bring out the communicator in you, or how to have more impact with the way you communicate.
– You lead the change!, or how to acquire change management skills and become a better professional.
– Leading oneself and others through emotion, or how to improve self-knowledge and emotion management to become a better leader.
– Hybrid Leadership: From connection to results, or how to improve resilience and create connections in a hybrid work environment.
– Team Experience, or how to create the best experience for the team.
All Ferrer leaders had the opportunity to enrol, (online/face-to-face, Spanish/English) and around 150 leaders participated. Media Net Promoter Score (NPS) de 59.
New leaders itinerary
A training itinerary to provide support and accompaniment to the group of leaders from the outset, both for new recruits and for people who become team leaders.
This training aims to equip these leaders with the necessary tools to lead in accordance with our leadership model.
In this itinerary, the work focuses on different issues, such as emotional intelligence, situational leadership and the importance of developing a good rapport within the team. In addition, we promote self-knowledge days for people in management positions.
For the second consecutive year, we launched our Mentoring programme to promote cross-departmental approaches and foster an internal learning ecosystem where people who are experts in certain aspects can transfer knowledge, skills and experiences to other people in the organisation.
20 mentor-mentee pairs (including people from the Steering Management Committee) participated in this nine-month programme and were able to acquire new skills.
During the programme, people benefit from the support of different tools and webinars, and new relationships are built up between areas.
360+ individual support
At Ferrer, we are increasingly committed to encouraging continuous feedback, and we develop coaching and self-knowledge tools.
In 2022, we conducted a 360 degree feedback programme with a pilot group of 37 leaders.
In addition to the 360 survey itself, we included a one-to-one session with a consultancy we brought in to help us interpret the results and implement an action plan.
Leader Coach
A programme conducted with Fundació Exit (“Success Foundation”, in Catalan), who are experts in employability and social insertion for vulnerable groups.
This charitable initiative is a clear example of how our people can have a positive impact in society and put our mission into practice.
Every year, Ferrer volunteers participate in this programme to benefit from a unique experience.
In 2022, 20 coach-coachee pairs took part. More information
Training sessions holding 1-to-1 conversations
In Performance 2022 (available to all Ferrer employees, with the exception of operators and analysts; 1,130 people participated this year), our key initiative was to provide voluntary training for the people involved, both for teams and people managers.
These training sessions help to equip people to prepare for relevant conversations in their development process, such as difficult conversations, giving and receiving feedback, development conversations and end-of-year performance conversations.
This year, in addition to the self-training materials available on our Learning Lab platform (toolkits, guides, templates for preparing for a conversation…) and the group sessions with an external coach, we have also offered a new format: one-on-one sessions with a coach intended to provide those interested with advice on how to prepare for whatever difficult conversation they choose.
In total, more than 230 people have participated in these Performance training sessions.
At Ferrer we believe that coaching is an essential tool that allows people to work on their personal and professional development, thus encouraging them to achieve their goals and maximise their potential.
For this reason, over the course of 2022, we have accompanied different leaders in their development by providing them with coaching, offering them the opportunity to work on their development plans with an Executive Coach.