Employability: Creating Economic & Social Value

At Ferrer, we know that employability and training are key to the social inclusion of groups with obstacles to finding employment

That’s why, in 2022, we started working with the Èxit Foundation (“Foundation for Success”), whose mission is to reduce the early school dropout rate among young people in situations of social vulnerability through innovative and scalable training projects organised into itineraries that provide added value to companies, foster networking and promote job insertion. 

Over the last two years we have had managed to have an impact on the lives of 218 young people, 38 within the Leadercoach programme and 180 through specific actions.

The programme has been very successful.

Approx. 95% of the young people would recommend this initiative to their peers, and three out of four say that they have discovered new job opportunities to explore in the future.  

In 2023, at Ferrer we will continue to seek out new key groups that can be provided with training itineraries to improve their socio-vocational integration.

In addition, we will launch new processes to integrate people with obstacles to finding employment into our company.

leader coach
leader coach

This past year we have also carried out actions involving our suppliers, such as the preparation of our Christmas boxes by young people from Prodis, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the comprehensive assistance and promotion of people with intellectual disabilities, mental disorders or cerebral palsy.

(video in spanish)

Ferrer Prodis Lotes For Good Ferrer Prodis Lotes For Good