Mitigating climate change and promoting the circular economy
We are confronted with a climate emergency, and inaction is no longer an option.
At Ferrer we believe that our activity as a pharmaceutical company should create more environmental value than it consumes.
For this reason, we promote actions aimed at mitigating climate change through the circular economy and decarbonisation of energy.
Since we are aware that there is a lot of work to be done and many people will to have join us on this journey, we have made the protection of the planet a priority in our strategic plan through the Liveable Planet pillar.
We have the opportunity to regenerate the planet, but, if we let this opportunity pass, things will take their course without us.
Liveable Planet Goals
At Ferrer we want to guarantee a habitable planet for everyone
Mitigating climate change and promoting the circular economy
Reduce direct emissions by 50% by 2030
Reduce global emissions by 25% by 2030
- Adherence to the STBs
- Assess the TCFD
- Join the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
- Launch our Climate Strategy
- Reduce our global CF (13% reduction)
- Reduce our carbon footprint by 5% compared to baseline year 2019
- Evaluate the TFCD (Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures)
- Improve performance in CDP score
- Implement our plan to engage with suppliers on climate issues
- Develop a Carbon Transition Plan
- Achieve a CDP rating of A/A-
- Climate change training and awareness-raising for company leaders
- Implementation an Internal Carbon Pricing mechanism
- Identify collaborative initiatives
- Climate change training and awareness-raising in the operations área
- Reduce our carbon footprint by 10% compared to baseline year 2019
Zero Waste To Landfill 2030: Achieve an overall recovery rate of 90% in our operations centres
Reduce packaging-related CF by 25% by 2030 50% of our products to be eco-designed by 2030
Medicinal products production plan (FISA)
- Achieve 70% recovery
Logistics Centre (SFB)
- Achieve 90% recovery
Active Ingredientes production plant (IQ)
- Achieve 70% recovery
Medicinal products production plan (FISA)
- Have 25% of packaging FSC certified
Logistics Centre (SFB)
- Eco-design in SFB Picking System
Corporate Services
- Launch of the Packaging For Good programme
- Launch of Eco-design training courses
Medicinal products production plan (FISA)
- Maintain a recovery rate of 85%
- Reduce production waste by 5%
Logistics Centre (SFB)
- Maintain a 90% recovery rate
Active Ingredientes production plant (IQ)
- Achieve a 75% recovery rate
- Develop a programme to improve the WWTP and reduce the sludge waste generated.
Medicinal products production plan (FISA)
- Eco-design 2 products
- Define and implementa n eco-design process
- Definition of the eco-design producto portfolio
- Optimise 30% of tertiary packaging
- Have 75% of packaging FSC certified
Active Ingredientes production plant (IQ)
- Implementation of a strategy for the reuse of Kraft drums
Corporate Services
- 80% of the eco-design training plan implemented
Medicinal products production plan (FISA)
- Reduce production waste by 5%
- Achieve a 90% recovery rate
Logistics Centre (SFB)
- Maintain a 90% recovery rate
- Develop a programme to donate medicines
Active Ingredientes production plant (IQ)
- Achieve a 75% recovery rate
- Reduce production waste by 5%
- WWTP: Implement the surfactant treatment line
Medicinal products production plan (FISA)
- Have 80% of packaging FSC certified
- Optimise 50% of tertiary packaging
- Implement eco-design in a blíster pack product
- Extrapolate the sustainable packaging model to outsources products