In 2022, we joined Barcelona City Council, EADA Business School and B Lab Spain as strategic partners in the Barcelona+B alliance, a public-private collaboration project aimed at social and business transformation to make the citymore prosperous, sustainable and inclusive.
Confronted with the need to act to combat the climate emergency and social inequalities, Barcelona+B was founded as a pioneering initiative in Spain that seeks to optimise the social and environmental impact of companies and citizens, to turn them into the main agents of change and positive transformation.
The aim is for companies, universities, foundations, public institutions, entrepreneurs and citizens to work together to make Barcelona a better city, offering it as a new global benchmark in business transformation and in contributing towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the local level.
We promote the Partners Activism programme
Companies and the productive ecosystem have a direct impact on the economic, social and environmental development of the communities of which we are a part.
In awareness of this responsibility, at Ferrer we have launched the Partners Activism initiative, aiming to make our activism and our mission of making a positive impact transcend our limits as a company.
To this end, on 19 May 2022 we met with 15 of Ferrer’s strategic business partners to explain our mission and mobilise them for a positive impact.
The project consists of assessing and boosting performance among our selected partners in the environmental and social arenas, as well as in corporate governance by defining actions to accompany and involve our partners in making a positive impact on society.
All the companies committed to our mission through the involvement senior management.
Suppliers for Good: our commitment to the value chain
The relationship with our suppliers is vital when it comes to improving our sustainable procurement strategy.
In 2021, we launched initiatives such as the Third-Party Code of Conduct and the new sustainable procurement policy, driven by our partnership with EcoVadis.
In 2022, we launched the Suppliers for Good programme, a cross-cutting initiative that seeks to multiply Ferrer’s positive impact on society by involving our suppliers on improvement of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) best practices.
The programme currently involves both the direct and indirect purchases of the group’s 4 main companies, focusing on total implication of Ferrer’s suppliers and seeking to help and guide them in the process of change and adaptation to the expected sustainable standards.
Forward strides of the Suppliers for Good programme in 2022
Third-Party Code of Ethics
We started the implementation of the SAP Ariba procurement platform, in which we ask our suppliers to register and accept the Third-Party Code of Ethics.
By the end of 2022, 247 suppliers had already accepted our Third-Party Code of Ethics (15.9% of the scope of the Suppliers For Good programme).
Supplier risk mapping
By the end of 2022, 81% of suppliers in S4G (Suppliers for Good) were mapped according to their ESG risk (corresponding to 98% of in-scope expenditure).